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Meet Shirley Morrison

Shirley Morrison is a strategic salesperson working for Fortune 500 companies over the last twelve years. Shirley joined Salesforce in 2019. Prior to that, Shirley worked at an AI Tech start-up. While a software Accounts Manager for Oracle in California she accepted a challenge in 2015 to run one of the UK regions. Today Shirley wants to help others achieve their dreams. So she wrote this book. And then she got Clapham Publishing Services to edit it and help forge the pitch to get it published. 

We're thrilled with Shirley's success and glad we were part of it. 

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From Classroom to Career: How to Network, Nail the Interview, and Navigate for Success is an authentic, engaging, and candid road map to thriving in the new economy. This guide is geared toward the college grad and those still early in their careers and helps to create a personal discovery of career success. 


It is:


  • Inspirational, pragmatic, and immediately accessible: The rules have changed; the traditional workplace is dead. To BOOM in employment today, the secret is to alter the approach. This is the value-led book that Gen Z and Millennials are asking for as they embark on careers in today’s workforce.  

  • Clear, honest, and direct in demystifying the myth that NO ONE in the professional world has it figured out, giving readers the confidence that we all started from the same place and continue to grow into our roles. We just START and then GROW into our roles professionally. Entertaining, personal, and relatable, the voice of the book is purposely casual as if you and the author are speaking at a café. Author Shirley Morrison is a voice you can trust.


The book contains: 


  • Concrete, reasonable, and logical advice on today’s how-to: how to write a business email, which can be used to network with professionals; how to successfully land and then stand out in an interview, including in a virtual world; how to ask questions that can be adapted to any job/ role; how to write a CV with examples easily accessible on the author’s website for readers to copy and paste. 

  • Inspiring real-life stories that are surprising, inspiring, and engaging, unlike other business books that are unappealing and difficult to get through. For example: the introduction is set at Oktoberfest, which is not something a reader would expect from a business book. Another example is the networking chapter where the author describes being nervous while walking into Schwab’s office. This book shows empathy for what the readers are likely going through, so they forget it is a business book. 


Finally, the book will:


  • Help readers to decide what values are important to them by creating a vision board to focus them on what they want from life, professionally and personally. By getting them to start to look at the big picture instead of just one aspect of their life, this guide gets them to think about their career and what they want it to be like, and who they want to be. It will remind readers it is not just about work—there needs to be a balance. This is entirely unlike any other business book out there.

Meet Shirley Morrison
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